A5 Magazine, luty / February 2019

After receiving hundreds of submissions for Portfolio #23 of A5 Magazine (February) we are pleased to inform you that your submission has been chosen to be featured in the magazine. Miło mi poinformować, że z wolnego naboru, otrzymałam możliwość pokazania swoich prac w międzynarodowym miesięczniku. Jeszcze nie widziałam zawartości, ale moje prace podobno w nim są. Zachęcam do zakupu.
A5 Magazine, February 2019
After receiving hundreds of submissions for Portfolio #23 of A5 Magazine (February) we are pleased to inform you that your submission has been chosen to be featured in the magazine. I am pleased to inform you that I was given the opportunity to show my works in an international monthly (after open call). I have not seen the content yet, but my work is supposed to be in it. I encourage you to buy it.
A5 Magazine, February 2019


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